Arto Vaun

Beirut, Lebanon

Professional Experience

I'm a poet and writer from Boston, currently living in Beirut where I'm finishing my second book and teaching a creative writing workshop. I've covered everything from loneliness in Yerevan to the the poetry of WS Merwin. I've appeared twice on the BBC to discuss my work. Always on the lookout for new free-lancing opportunities.


Book Author
5 Years
Content Editor (online)
1 Year
2 Years


Books & Literature
6 Years
1 Year
Other, Specify
6 Years


Academia Teaching
5 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
1 Year
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
1 Year

Total Media Industry Experience

5 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Roads & Kingdoms (1-2), Civil Net (3-5), Carcanet Blog (3-5)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

PicsArt Inc (6-10)

Other Work History

Poetry editor, Glimpse Journal Co-editor, The Armenia Weekly 1999-2001

Foreign Language Skills

English (native), Armenian (fluent), Turkish (moderate)

Computer Skills

Word, OS 10


macbook pro, digital recorder, Canon digital camera

Work Permits & Visas

US citizen, Armenian work visa


2014 Tololyan Prize for Literature



My poetry was included in this anthology of poems being considered for UK's Forward Prize.
[An] ambitious first collection[...] The writing is open and spacious, swerving constantly from intensely personal details (at times it has the immediacy of diary jottings) to a larger, more ambitious range as Vaun conjures his parents' Armenian background[...] - The Guardian

Articles & Essays

A photo essay about an ancient, relatively unknown part of Yerevan (Armenia).
An essay about the quiet apprenticeship between a younger and older poet, even if the older poet isn't aware of it.
Discovering a powerful modernist Armenian poet from Paris, and uncovering his DIY ways. (I was interviewed by the BBC about this story).
An essay about moving somewhere you've never been before and confronting your family's past.
A review of choral work from one of the most important Armenian composers of the 20th century.
An essay that explores how we connect to relatives perhaps we never knew but who have had a larger impact.