Dawn Keable

Website: www.writeongrrrl.com

Professional Experience

Dawn L. Keable is a freelance writer (em)powered by the pen, whose work has appeared in Newsweek, Seventeen Magazine, xoJane and the complaint department of many a national company. She's obsessed with the tropics, bangle bracelets and has made peace with the fact that she's quickly becoming the oldest person in the club. Before you start feeling pity that her home base is currently Providence, RI, know that this little historic city has B-I-G food. (And she's moving to Miami soon.) Dawn has over two decades experience of producing fact-driven, wit-filled copy with an on time delivery rivaling NYC bike couriers. (Minus the skinned knees.) If you're looking for conversational copy (the high-energy enthusiastic kind between girlfriends, not stale small talk). She's your girl (Or grrrrl. That first website was taken.) She's also passionate about writing empowering fiction for women, because: Books. Are. Awesome. And women can't be trusted not to settle by themselves. She wrote Settling Down as back-up.


24 Years
18 Years
Book Author
3 Years


24 Years
24 Years
Other, Specify
6 Years


Online/new media
18 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
24 Years
5 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

24 Years
