Professional Experience
I've covered everything from a Western author's new book to an archeological dig at a former Japanese internment camp. I have written science articles, book reviews, human interest pieces, profiles, and personal essays for regional and national publications, the Web and literary magazines. I have a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing and am a rigorous researcher and careful writer.
2 Years
13 Years
13 Years
Books & Literature
6 Years
Environment & Nature
3 Years
6 Years
Academia Teaching
12 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
3 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
1 Year
Total Media Industry Experience
13 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
The Ruralite (10+), University of Idaho (1-2), Weber: The Contemporary West (1-2), Colere (1-2), High Country News (1-2), Idaho Magazine (1-2)
Other Work History
I have taught writing and journalism at the university level for over 10 years.
Computer Skills
Word, Excel
laptop, digital camera, and audio recorder
Available upon request
Finalist, So to Speak nonfiction contest, “Marcel des Grottes” fall 2007
Artist Residency, Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of Taos, New Mexico, summer 2006
Grant, Idaho Commission on the Arts, Latah County Arts Commission, and Western States Arts Foundation for Latah County Writes! (in collaboration with other local writers), fall 2005
Grant, Idaho Commission on the Arts, Latah County Arts Commission, and Western States Arts Foundation for Moscow Community Creative Writing Workshop (in collaboration with other local writers), summer 2005
Artist Residency, Centrum Arts and Creative Education, Port Townsend, Washington, 2004
Fellowship, Sacatar Foundation, Itaparica, Brazil, 2001
Member, Associated Writing Programs
Member, Western Literature Association