Anna Pratt

1508 10th Ave. S. #4, Minneapolis, MN 55404

Professional Experience

As both a freelancer and a staff writer/editor over the past decade, I’ve concentrated on producing good, clean copy, and I’m skilled with words. Besides having extensive writing experience, I’m accustomed to tight deadlines, crafting headlines and checking facts on the fly. Over the past handful of years, I’ve churned out all kinds of community-oriented features on a weekly basis for the Star Tribune's north and west metro regional sections (totaling over 250 articles), including some that were shared on social media over 1,000 times. I've also worked as a copy editor at City Pages, editing the stories and blogs that appeared in the alternative weekly in print and online. This past summer, I reported on the international story about Cecil, the lion killed by a Bloomington, Minn. dentist, for the New York Daily News. In 2014, I covered a local election for the Associated Press and I've been a stringer for Bloomberg News. My byline has also appeared in Finance & Commerce, the Southwest Journal, The Line,


Copy Editor
1 Year
13 Years
13 Years


Arts & Humanities
13 Years
13 Years
Business (general)
8 Years


Newspaper - National
13 Years
Online/new media
8 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
9 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

13 Years
