Brett Smith

114 Greenbrier Road Towson, MD 21286

Professional Experience

A newspaper reporter turned television producer, writer and researcher, digging into details is my passion. Part adrenaline junkie, part bookworm, I’m a creative guy who can turn out compelling content and keep his facts straight. Diverse media experience has honed my interview skills, allowing me to instantly bond with people and tell the stories readers want.


18 Years
Producer (television)
15 Years
10 Years


15 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines

Total Media Industry Experience

18 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

ESPN (10+), Outside (1-2), Bicycling (1-2), Outdoor Life (1-2), Dirt Rider (10+), Racer X Illustrated (10+)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

ESPN (10+), Discovery Communications (10+)

Technical Skills

Novice Photography

Computer Skills

MS Word, Final Cut Pro, Word Press



In Jan. 2016, a once promising motocross racer resurfaced after a mysterious four year absence. Within weeks of his racing return, Austin Stroupe found himself under the same pressure that led him to the drug addiction he'd been battling since he was 17 years old. For eight years he had managed to keep his addiction a secret. Less than two months after his return he was in jail.
When torches went out in Atlanta in 1996 the first mountain bike course in Olympic history didn't have much of a chance of surviving nature. A group of advocates stepped in; 20 years later, the trail survives in an unlikely location. This piece ran in the print edition of Bike Magazine (Sept. 2016)