Professional Experience
I can tackle just about any topic from animal advocacy to architecture and home design, from education to book reviews and first-person essays. Starting out as a poet gave me an advantage; it taught me to find the exact word, the startling metaphor, and to search out the deepest meanings of life’s experiences. I have written a book about traveling with your small dog in the voice of a small Yorkshire Terrier and dozens of magazine articles covering travel, human interest, architecture, home design, health, skincare, women’s history and issues, and numerous other topics. I’m unusually skilled at probing beneath the safe answers in interviews and reaching the heart of a story. Obsessive about getting my facts right and talented at capturing atmosphere, personality, and emotion. Reliable, accessible, and intensely creative.
Book Author
10 Years
13 Years
25 Years
Other, Specify
10 Years
Environment & Nature
10 Years
Home & Garden
13 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
20 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
20 Years
Online/new media
13 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
20 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs) (10+), Blue Circuit ebook Publishing (3-5), (10+), Teenage Buzz (10+), The Affluent Page (10+), The New York Observer (10+), Home By Design (10+), MSN Lifestyle (3-5), Womach Brothers ebook Publishing (3-5), Spasearch (3-5), The Pet Gazette (3-5), The USA Times (3-5), (3-5), Life By Design (3-5), Best Friends Animal Sanctuary (3-5), American Teen (1-2), Greenhaven Press (1-2), Hiatus magazine (1-2), Ladies Home Journal (1-2), INSIDE San Francisco (1-2), (1-2), Self magazine (1-2), (1-2), (6-10)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Heatlth Results (1-2), Institute for Systems Biology (1-2), KPC Writing (1-2), Deveraux and Deloitte (1-2), (1-2), (3-5), Aspen Education (10+), Imagine Quest Information (10+), Link Educational (10+), (6-10)
Other Work History
Editor-in-Chief of The Affluent Page magazine
Ajunct Professor, Berkeley College; School of Visual Arts, Humanities & Sciences
Division: teaching writing and literature
Associate Editor: Teenage Buzz
Editorial Assistant: The Paris Review
Technical Skills
Interviews; writing; commentary, opinion articles; research; fact-checking, photo research and acquiring images; editing
Computer Skills
Microsoft Word, CS2, InDesign, Quark Express, Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat
Broadband Internet connection; iMac G5 & laptop wireless pc; Skype phone number & Audio Hijack; digital camera
References available upon request
I've won numerous awards for fiction and poetry