Richard Anderson

New York City, NY USA

Professional Experience

I provide sound strategic counsel, high-quality writing and skilled media relations. The firms core capabilities and services include: Media relations Writing and editorial services Marketing communications and counsel Strategic communications planning and implementation Corporate positioning and strategy Investor relations and corporate governance issues management Crisis communications and litigation support For over 30 years, I have served as valuable public relations strategist to a wide range of public and private companies for whom I have successfully: Generated broad recognition in the business, financial and trade media Developed effective marketing communications programs Built and maintained shareholder value with the investment community Established and improved corporate governance programs Written and created brochures and marketing materials


Account manager
30 Years
30 Years
Other, Specify
30 Years


15 Years
25 Years
Real Estate
7 Years


PR (in-house) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
3 Years
PR (firm) - Small to mid-sized corp. clients
20 Years
PR (firm) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
15 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

35 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Nationwide (1-2), Institute for Information Law & Policy (1-2), Zillow (1-2), Broadridge Financial (3-5)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Natural Health Trends Corp (6-10), Caremark (1-2), National Stem Cell, Inc. (1-2), Nanosphere Inc. (6-10), Orchid Cellmark (6-10)

Other Work History

Presidernt, R.L. Anderson & Associates, Inc.; SVP, Fleishman-Hillard, Dir. of Financial Communication Practice Group; Managing Partner, Thomson Financial's Global Consulting Group; SVP, GCI Group; Executive VP, G.S. Schwartz; President, Adams Cohen Financial Communications; VP, Brouillard Communications; Associate, Adams & Rinehart; Ass't. Secretary of Economic Affairs for the Commonwealth of Mass; Ombudsman for Comm. of Mass; Public Relations Associate for Textron


National Investor Relation Institute (NIRI)
