Virginia Backaitis

Montclair, NJ USA

Professional Experience

I'm a well-published freelancer and blogger who writes about Big Data, Enterprise Content Management and Collaboration, social media, digital technologies, and jobs. I write for some of the world's most widely read publications, both print and online.. I aim to cover the news in ways that are both substantive and engaging and offer takeaways to my readers. I have been quoted in books about web 2.0 technologies and the workplace and have served as a judge in technology competititions. I am also an entrepreneur who has owned an executive search and consulting firm for more than twenty years.


11 Years
20 Years
Social Media
10 Years


Business (general)
10 Years
10 Years
10 Years


Online/new media
10 Years
Newspaper - National
10 Years
Professional Journal
3 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

10 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

CMSWire (10+), New York Post (10+), Various Websites (10+), Ghost Writing (10+)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

New York Post (10+), CMSWire (6-10), technology executive ghost writing (6-10), Brilliant Leap Blog (10+), Women Who Write (10+), Goldfinch

Other Work History

Executive Search and Consulting Spinning Instructor

Technical Skills

Final Cut

Foreign Language Skills


Computer Skills

Microsoft Word, Moveable Type, SiteCore, Typepad, Wordpress


PC's Video Camera


Upon Request


Media Bistro



It’s been a long time coming, but EMC’s new Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution is within sight.
Brace yourself: the Gartner analysts who penned this year’s Advanced Analytics Platforms Magic Quadrant (MQ) expect companies that compete using advanced analytics and proprietary algorithms will disrupt entire industries by 2018.
Interesting idea, data at the tipping point. Not about Hadoop, Spark or other Apache projects, it's what they enable
It’s not too hard to figure out why SAP, which seems to be continuously raising it analytics play, acquired the assets of Roambi, a San Diego, Calif.-based provider of mobile analytics today.
MapR probably isn’t the first vendor you think of when you hear “Hadoop” — and that’s just fine with the company’s President, Matt Mills.
Salespeople obsess about winning. Give them a quota to hit and they’ll start building a plan to bring it in. It might consist of a hit list, ideas about what products to pitch and to whom, a look into their pipelines to see what they might be able to pull forward and so on
It never occurred to the Brooklyn dad that venting to his social network about how difficult it is to provide the life he wants for his family, in New York City, given his income, could cost him his job — but it did.
An enterprise mobility strategy is, no doubt paramount and, less than half of the organizations surveyed have one in place.


Back in your daddy's days, loyal employees were rewarded with pensions, promotions, and promises of continuous career development. Today, you're on your own. Here are the Rules of the Road.
New York's industry is giving a blissful bump to the city's economy. Companies like, foursquare and SecondMarket are creating jobs as they grow.
Childless workers’ gripe: picking up slack for parents
Job Outllook for 2009
Your future employers and co-workers find out all about you long before the interview.
The job market is better than it has been in years....
Your Wall Street job is no more. What to do next.
What companies are doing to hold on to talented mothers as employees
Fueled by colossal changes in media and advertising New York's Internet Industry is born again.