Yael Grauer

Hudson, WI USA

Professional Experience

I specialize in energetic, attention-grabbing features and columns, but have also written clear and compelling interviews and analyses for both consumer publications and trade journals. With a background in classic literature and philosophy and experience working in both the non-profit sector and public education, I specialize in making complex issues understandable and accessible. I've covered everything from food and nutrition to health and wellness to social justice and environmental issues, and enjoy covering the sports of Olympic weightlifting and mixed martial arts. My writing portfolio is accessible at http://yaelwrites.com/portfolio, and testimonials are posted at http://yaelwrites.com/testimonials.


14 Years
14 Years
Other, Specify
2 Years


Environment & Nature
10 Years
5 Years
7 Years


Academia Teaching
3 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
14 Years
6 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

14 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

MMA HQ (10+), Performance Menu: Journal of Health and Athletic E (10+), B-Word: Feminist Response to Pop Culture (1-2)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Elite MMA (10+), T-Nation (1-2)

Other Work History

I worked in public access television for four years, and as a middle school Language Ats teacher for two years.

Technical Skills

Wordpress, Aweber, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Google Analytics, Alexa/GPR, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

Computer Skills

SMARTBoards, Windows and Mac OS, Microsoft Office, Word, PowerPoint & Excel


Laptop, digital camera, iPhone, audio recorder


Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, Editor, Spezzatino Magazine Greg Everett, Editor, Performance Menu: Journal of Health and Athletic Excellence


Frances Wood Shimer Scholarship, Shimer-In-Oxford Study Abroad Program, 2001-2002


Freelance Success



An interview with Michael Perry, author of several bestselling memoirs including Coop: A Year of Poultry, Pigs and Parenting, a humorous rendition of living in a rickety farmhouse in rural Wisconsin with thirty-seven overgrown acres, a dozen chickens, two pigs and a baby on the way.
An interview with Taoist master and author Ken Cohen.
Why drink fair trade coffee? And what is fair trade, anyway?
Let’s face it. While eating 100% organic food is an ideal many strive for, a variety of circumstances (such as financial constraints or simply convenience) make it impossible not to sometimes fall short. But how do you juggle the desire to minimize your consumption of pesticides with limited organic produce selections and your dwindling pocketbook?