Jocelyn Mackie

Gladstone, OR USA

Professional Experience

Ghost writer of engaging web content. I cover primarily legal topics: Legal news, summaries of law, and law firm marketing. Areas of law include DUI, criminal, consumer protection, and business. As a thorough researcher, I also covered many other industries from dairy farms to aviation maintenance schools. As an amateur historian, I also enjoy telling stories and share many of them through my blog.


20 Years
2 Years
Social Media
2 Years


2 Years
Business (general)
2 Years
20 Years


Online/new media
2 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
1 Year
20 Years

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Durson Enterprises (6-10), Jade Creative (1-2)

Other Work History

I am not able to reveal names of most clients due to ghost writing agreements. However, I have completed well over 200 projects total.

Technical Skills

Photo editing (Adobe, Photoshop)

Computer Skills

Word, Excel, Adobe Suite, Windows 7 and 8, Photoshop


Lenovo Laptop, Kodak printer and scanner, iPhone, FujiFilm FinePix S2550HD (digital camera)



This is a review of the recent OHSA ruling regarding how SeaWorld trainers interact with orca. Content examines how the limitations on trainers and waterwork will affect visitor numbers to SeaWorld's Orlando park.
This is a review of Boating Under the Influence (BUI) laws in Kentucky and the ease of arrest and prosecution. Ends with a call to action to call the client law firm in case of BUI arrest.
This is a blog re-write discussing the new Tobii Glasses 2. While eye tracking is more desirable in the research sector, there are also applications in the consumer market including interactive video games.