Professional Experience
I write about things of interest to you and me. My articles have been featured in regional and national magazines and e-zines. I specialize in articles on the art and science of communication, informing an often tongue-tied world what the latest research tells us about “what to say when.”
I completed UCLA’s Writers' Program to add to my master’s in Speech Communication. I have also taught sign language, public speaking and interpersonal communication. For the last few years I have worked as a corporate writer and editor for a federal agency. As such I’ve written compelling content for newsletters, Web sites, executive speeches and more.
Whether as a teacher, speaker, signer or writer, I’ve been a professional communicator for more than 25 years and have yet to ponder the lint o’ my navel or discuss the Tao of donuts.
But if the price is right…
3 Years
12 Years
3 Years
Other, Specify
12 Years
Academia Teaching
9 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
3 Years
Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
3 Years