Professional Experience
I'm a longtime reporter who regularly writes for the New York Times about business, energy, real estate (commercial and residential), the home, and military veterans.
My articles have also appeared in large daily newspapers (New York Post, Seattle Times, Investor's Business Daily), online (, and magazines (Atlantic, BusinessWeek, Wired, Pacific Standard), trade publications (Energy News Data, Architect's Newspaper, North American Oil & Gas Pipelines), regional and alumni magazines.
I'm also a whiz at business writing and have written trade conference scripts, fact-checked articles, written non-bylined pieces for custom publishing clients, assembled infographics and written for company newsletters. I can do it all!
I've taken numerous accounting classes and am at ease working with financial statements and reports.
17 Years
7 Years
5 Years
Business (general)
15 Years
Other, Specify
8 Years
Home & Garden
10 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
5 Years
Newspaper - National
10 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
7 Years