Kristine Meldrum Denholm

Prince William County, VA USA

Professional Experience

As a freelance writer covering family issues, and a former writer for a federal law enforcement agency's DC press office, I've interviewed hundreds of people and written their stories: from a teen mom who placed her baby for adoption to top-knotch psychologists to federal executives to a federal agent whose baby endured dozens of surgeries by the time he was 3. I've taken the technical (think interview with a Ph.D. fire protection engineering/computer modeling) and not so technical yet moving (think interview with a widow from the civil rights era who has been waiting for closure and justice for 45 years) and distilled them into readable articles. I love to write about who someone is, and why it's relevant, and I tell the story that needs to be told. No stranger to deadlines/stress--I've worked during intense crisis incidents (Waco, Oklahoma City.) I'll write the feature articles you need, with a special interest in family, psychological and societal issues.


2 Years
10 Years


Family, Children & Teenagers
12 Years
Other, Specify
1 Year
10 Years


Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
2 Years
Newsletter - Trade
2 Years
10 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

12 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Published in many publications, anthologies, etc (10+), Cleveland Family/Akron Family/Lake Family magazine (6-10)

Other Work History

ATF press office, 10 yrs; Intern @KDKA-TV 2 and Intern @ Pittsburgh PR firm senior year in college. Also volunteered as anchor/reporter for Arlington Cable News, 2 yrs.

Foreign Language Skills

French from high school & college is very rusty!


desktop computer and laptop computer and printer, digital audio recorder


Testimonials from satisfied employers and editors is on my website


Nanowrimo winner, 50,000 words in 2009


Ohio Professional Writers



Reanna's story: the story of a teen mom who placed her baby for adoption; struggles of teen pregnancy
When your little ones have too much on the calendar
Here's looking at you, kid: A profile of 3 stay at home dads in Cleveland, Akron and Lake areas