Laura Lifshitz
ContactProfessional Experience
Industries I work in: Food, Fitness, Sex, Beauty, Women issues, Lifestyle, Family and Children, Health & Wellness.
A Columbia University graduate and freelance writer, my work has been featured on the New York Times, Huffington Post, Yahoo Parenting, PopSugar and more writing on parenthood, marriage, fitness & health, divorce, love, sex, etc. I am a copywriter and content creator, making clean and powerful copy for print ( direct mail and ads) as well as for digital purposes (email, webcopy, blogs, social media) utilizing strong SEO skill for clients in a variety of industries. I’ve been called on to ghostwrite for a range of clients writing copy, blogs & full length books.
I have experience managing digital content. From social media content, blog content, web copy/ print advertisements, email marketing and more.
I have copywrting & email marketing samples for you to view.
I am the co-author of the Complete Bartending guide.
7 Years
10 Years
4 Years
Family, Children & Teenagers
4 Years
4 Years
Women's Issues
4 Years
Online/new media
4 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
3 Years
Advertising agency