Robin Pearl

Long Beach, CA USA

Professional Experience

I have more than six years experience creating marketing and communication materials for companies in nearly every industry. I'm known for an ability to capture brand voice while finding fresh new ways to communicate clients' messages. In addition to writing copy, I have extensive experience managing proposals and communication projects from inception to completion.


Content Editor (online)
2 Years
6 Years
2 Years


Books & Literature
2 Years
Business (general)
6 Years
Consumer Products
5 Years


Newsletter - Trade
1 Year
Marketing (firm) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
4 Years
Marketing (firm) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
4 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

6 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Maritz Interactions (10+), Moore Business Solutions (3-5), ES3 (3-5), Apex, LLC (3-5)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Lexus (10+), Toyota (6-10), Maritz (10+)

Other Work History

Brigante, Cameron, Watters & Strong Excellence in Motivation Green Fleet Maritz Travel MC2 Nth Degree Raimondo Pettit Group Southern Counties Express System D: Texas Health Resources

Computer Skills

Word, Excel, PowerPoint


Laptop, digital camera, audio recorder


Wendy O'Donnell, Executive Producer, Maritz Dianne Daley, Producer, Freeman Michelle Gigon, Creative Director, Sugarwick For more references, please visit


Marketing Communications

Inside pages of a four-page brochure inviting all Lexus Dealerships to attend their annual National Dealer Meeting.
The introductory paragraphs to an 80 page winning proposal written to gain VENZA launch Business.
One piece in a series of communications written to support the launch of the 2010 Prius.