Professional Experience
As an editor, I've assigned stories, coached freelancers through rewrites and refined stories' voice, content and grammar to fit the publication.
As a writer, I have written extensively about consumer markets. How does Hispanic radio help marketers connect with the fastest growing ethnic group in America? What kinds of products and services do black women gravitate toward? In which counties are gardeners most likely to take root? These are just some of the questions I've tried to answer.
I have also translated complex science and health topics into simple prose.
Topics covered:
population trends
consumer markets
targeted marketing
9 Years
10 Years
12 Years
Consumer Products
3 Years
1 Year
Other, Specify
3 Years
Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
3 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
1 Year
5 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
10 Years
Other Work History
Associate editor at American Demographics ( 2001-2004)
Staff writer/reporter for the Daily Press, a Tribune Co. paper based in Newport News, Va. (circ: 100,000)
Associate editor/reporter/writer for Our Town and The West Side Spirit, weekly newspapers based in Manhattan ( 2000-2001)
Contributed entries to the Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink (Oxford University Press, 2004).
My writing has been published by the Chicago Tribune and been picked up by the Associated Press.
Foreign Language Skills
French, Russian, Chinese (all rusty)
Computer Skills
Word, Excel, Powerpoint
Work Permits & Visas
U.S. passport
Available upon request.
*Virginia Press Association: My article, "Integration's Legacy," was part of a package that won first place for feature series in 2004.
*American Society of Business Publication Editors awarded American Demographics magazine an honorable mention for National Magazine of the Year in 2003.
*Newswomen's Club of New York recognized my work with an Anne O'Hare McCormick Scholarship in 1998.