Diane Kelly

Deerfield, MA USA

Professional Experience

I am a writer, researcher, and blogger specializing in science and nature. I love to teach readers what we've learned about the universe, and my experience in the world of scientific research has taught me to translate complex technical papers and conversations with scientists into jargon-free, transparent prose. My completed projects include articles about human embryonic development for Wondertime magazine, two books for young readers (STICK INSECTS and FOSSILS from KidHaven Press), contributions to middle school and high school science textbooks, and the interpretive text for exhibits in the Amherst College Museum of Natural History. Whether I'm writing the instructions for a kids' activity or a narrative feature, I find the latest studies and interview experts who are actively involved in the field to give readers an accurate snapshot of a constantly changing subject.


5 Years
5 Years
9 Years


Environment & Nature
6 Years
9 Years


Academia Teaching
12 Years
Book Publishing Consumer
7 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

9 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

KidsBooks LLC (1-2), Muse Magazine (1-2)

Other Work History

Blogs at Science Made Cool (www.sciencemadecool.com); Fact-checker and researcher for Wondertime magazine (2007-2009)

Foreign Language Skills

reading knowledge of French

Computer Skills

Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign


MacBook (laptop); high-end Pentax digital camera; audio recorder

Work Permits & Visas

USA passport


Available upon request.


"Ticks and Time" selected for THE OPEN LABORATORY (The Best Writing on Science Blogs, 2006).


National Association of Science Writers (NASW); New England Science Writers (NESW)



A short article describing kidney development in human embryos for a national consumer magazine.
A short article on skull development in human embryos for a national consumer magazine.