Joanne Barker

Somerville, MA USA

Professional Experience

For the past 21 years, I have written about health as a journalist, grant writer, and marketing director. Topics I've covered include precocious puberty, biologic response modifiers, second-hand smoke, and health information technology. Many of my recent articles focus on adolescent health and childhood obesity.


Content Editor (online)
5 Years
5 Years
Other, Specify
21 Years


6 Years
21 Years
Other, Specify
1 Year


Newsletter - Consumer
2 Years
Online/new media
5 Years
9 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

12 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

WebMD (10+)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Eclipsys (10+), Dearborn Advisors (3-5)


Grub Street Writers, Boston, MA


Consumer Health

Girls who hit puberty before they turn 8 have higher risk for depression, eating disorders, and substance abuse as teens. This article helps parents understand their daughters’ early physical development and support their emotional needs.
Confident girls often get called conceited. This primer helps parents understand the pressures girls face at school, with friends, and online so they can help their daughters buck the harmful trends.
Teen girls and other experts give advice on finding love, setting limits, and bouncing back from heartbreak.

Health Information Technology

Dearborn Advisors helped Bronson Healthcare Group select an HIT system based on patient care and avoid the usual chaos of vendor selection. This case study tells the story.
Dearborn hosted a roundtable discussion on the evolving role of the chief medical information officer — I wrote up the proceedings in reader-friendly language. Dearborn used this document as part of its successful application to present at the 2010 CHIME Fall CIO Forum.