Professional Experience
I am a creative, thorough, and passionate writer, and a meticulously detail-oriented editor. I write 5-10 posts per week for Mediabistro's PRNewser blog, and I have done everything from editing, fact-checking, researching, and adding original content to the second edition Walking Boston (published September 2013), to editing alumni magazines for independent schools. I've also created and edited web content for non-profit organizations, and have had short fiction and poetry published in two small literary magazines.
Copy Editor
4 Years
4 Years
5 Years
Arts & Humanities
3 Years
2 Years
Other, Specify
3 Years
Academia Other
4 Years
Online/new media
3 Years
3 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
7 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Media Bistro's PRNewser - Contributing Writer (10+), (I wrote for blog) (6-10), Robert Todd Felton, Author (1-2), Gena Rotas, Author (1-2), Down in the Dirt Mag. (short fiction published) (1-2)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (3-5), Wilbraham and Monson Academy (WMA (3-5), UNICEF (1-2), Derby Academy (1-2), Expeditionary Learning (1-2)
Other Work History
As a student at Roger Williams University (graduated with a BA in Communications and Minor in Creative Writing in 2008), I served as co-creator, board member, promoter, and editor of the student literary magazine. Also during college, I served as Intern to the Director of Communications at Wilbraham & Monson Academy, writing press releases, writing and editing web content, and creating event programs.
Since graduating and before freelancing, I held a few different full-time positions at different organizations, the most relevant being my position as Program Planner at PRIM&R, where I was the contact person for volunteer members of three planning committees, managed the "Basecamp" website, edited multiple documents and materials from several departments, and helped plan a conference for 3000 people.
Aside from my freelance career, I also teach highs school level Writing Workshop classes at Wilbraham & Monson Academy.
Computer Skills
Mac and PC platforms, Microsoft Office, AppleWorks, Quark Express (beginner), Adobe Acrobat (intermediate), Atrium Library System, Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), Libguides, Multiple online databases
MacBook, Cannon Digital Camera, Adobe Acrobat
Available upon request.