Professional Experience
A well-published freelancer (The New York Times, Salon, Redbook), I've written essays and reported pieces on everything from parenting in the digital age (screen-swiping is mastered years before butt-wiping, I've learned) to the long-term effects of acute grief, to the stress-busting benefits of a restorative yoga practice. My expertise is in the health and wellness space. A longtime yogini, I've spent the last decade researching health, healing, and well-being and the past two researching the connection between creativity, mindfulness, and happiness for a book I'm writing.
Content Editor (online)
3 Years
6 Years
Social Media
5 Years
3 Years
3 Years
Women's Issues
3 Years
Academia Teaching
3 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
2 Years
Online/new media
3 Years