John Grgurich

Frederick, MD USA

Professional Experience

A quick study who's always ready to take on new topics, I've spent 15 years writing for non-profits and for-profits on a range of subjects, including business, finance, economics, education, architecture, and travel. I spent 13 of those years writing marketing and advertising copy, split about 50/50 between print and web work. Most recently, I spent 2 years writing for the online investing and finance publications The Motley Fool and AOL Daily Finance. By conservative estimates, I've written more than 500 articles for and dozens for My freelance work currently includes writing for The Fiscal Times. I'm also a skilled interviewer. And having worked in more than a few jack-of-all-trades type creative environments, I have solid copyediting and proofing skills as well.


13 Years
15 Years
2 Years


5 Years
Business (general)
2 Years
2 Years


Marketing (in-house) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
13 Years
Online/new media
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

2 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

AOL Daily Finance ( (10+), The Motley Fool ( (10+), The Fiscal Times ( (3-5), Benchmark (1-2)

Other Work History

Copywriter/K12, Inc. Copywriter/Brick Industry Association Copywriter and Project Manager/Travel Industry Association Senior Editor/Council for the Advancement and Support of Education


Published Work

Ad Writing (K12 Inc. and the Brick Industry Association)

Written for a clay-brick pavers marketing campaign.
Written for an Arizona Virtual Academy marketing campaign.
Written for an Agora Cyber Charter School marketing campaign.

Human Interest Stories (K12 Inc.)

Written for an Idaho Virtual Academy marketing campaign. Interviewed up-and-coming young skier Nick Bailey and his parents for this human-interest story/niche-advertising piece that ran in print and electronic media nationwide.
Written for an Ohio Virtual Academy marketing campaign. Interviewed the Hirns, an Ohio family that spent a year on the road seeing the U.S. while educating their two children completely online. This human-interest story/niche-advertising piece ran nationwide.
Written for a California Virtual Academies marketing campaign. Interviewed up-and-coming young golfer Ben Itterman and his parents for this human-interest story/niche-advertising piece that ran in print and electronic media nationwide.