Professional Experience
I write concise prose, creating actionable copy from complex technical jargon. As a copywriter, I specialize in marketing, finance, and law. As a journalist, I've written about violence in Philadelphia through the lens of a funeral director, a Masai women's milk co-op in Kenya, coffee with shamans in Sumatra, and fracking in Pennsylvania, which has won awards.
Copy Editor
2 Years
3 Years
7 Years
Business (general)
5 Years
5 Years
3 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
4 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Small to mid-sized corp. cl
2 Years
Online/new media
7 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
7 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Brass City Media (3-5), Philadelphia Metropolis (10+), GGIS Publishing (6-10)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
LexisNexis ( (10+), FlashFunders (1-2)
Other Work History
Staff news blogger, PhillyNow (Philadelphia Weekly)
Technical Skills
Desktop publishing (InDesign, Illustrator); photo editing (Adobe); copy editing (Scrivener, Google Drive); blogging (WordPress, SquareSpace); social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram; Tumblr); AP, Chicago and MLA styles
Foreign Language Skills
Polish, Indonesian, elementary Spanish
Computer Skills
Google Drive; Microsoft Office; Evernote; Asana; Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom; OS10 & Windows XP; Scrivener; WordPress; SquareSpace
HP laptop, Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, LG G3 smartphone, voice recorder, Nikon D5000 digital camera with flash
First Place, Business Reporting, 2012 Keystone Press Awards, Alternative Weekly Category; First Place, Team Reporting (News), Alternative Weekly Category