Professional Experience
A memoirist, essayist, features writer, and humorist, I have written about everything from yurt living and homesteading to parenting and relationships. My work has appeared in dozens of magazines and literary journals, and I am a regular contributor to The Huffington Post.
8 Years
8 Years
Women's Issues
8 Years
Academia Teaching
15 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
Entry Level
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
7 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
8 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
The Huffington Post (6-10), Blue Ridge Country Magazine (1-2), The Chronicle of Higher Education (1-2)
Other Work History
Other publications from the last two years -
Deep South Magazine (2015 - pending)
PANK (Fall 2014)
Baltimore Fishbowl (Spring 2014)
theNewerYork (Winter 2014)
Gravel (Winter 2014)
Your Impossible Voice (Winter 2014)
Toad Suck Review (2014)
The Brooklyner (2013)
Masons Road (2013)
Blue Ridge Parkway Poetic Visions (Spring 2013)
Switchback (May 2013)
Technical Skills
Proficient in social media - Twitter, Facebook, etc.
Available upon request
Pushcart Prize nominee, 2010