Professional Experience
I'm an award-winning New Orleans based writer and reporter. I worked as a staff writer at the New York Daily News (for five years) where I covered crime and national stories before reporting on criminal justice at the New Orleans Times-Picayune. In 2014, I became a full-time freelancer. My work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Aeon Magazine, the New York Post, and Rolling Stone Magazine's commemorative book, "Rolling Stone Cover to Cover: the First 40 Years." I've written about everything from Run-DMC to the Sandy Hook mass shooting in Newtown to hipster surfers in Queens. I've been a guest on NBC and NPR to discuss my work.
10 Years
Newspaper - National
6 Years
Newspaper - Community
4 Years
1 Year
Total Media Industry Experience
10 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
The New York Post (3-5), Vocativ (1-2), Aeon Magazine (1-2), Gambit Weekly (1-2), The Crime Report (1-2)
Other Work History
Staff Writer at the New York Daily News and the New Orleans Times-Picayune.
Technical Skills
social media
Foreign Language Skills
functional French, functional Spanish
Computer Skills
laptop, cell phone, iPad, digital recorder
Society of Silurians Award for team breaking news coverage of the Miracle on the Hudson, 2009
Juvenile Justice Crime Reporting Fellow at the Center on Media, Crime and Justice at John Jay College, 2012
Jon Davidoff Journalism Award Winner from Wesleyan University, 2012
Emerging Journalist of the Year Award from, 2012.
Kiplinger Fellow in Public Affairs Journalism at The Ohio State University (One of 25 chosen from an international pool of more than 450), 2013
National Headliner Award for team spot news coverage of Hurricane Sandy, 2013
National Association of Black Journalists 1st Place Winner for spot news coverage of Whitney Houstons death, 2013
Reporting on Hurricane Sandy and the Sandy Hook massacre submitted to the Pulitzer Board, 2013
CMCJ/H.F. Langeloth Journalism Fellow: An Imprisoned Mind: Reporting on the Mentally Ill in the Criminal Justice System, 2015
The National Association of Black Journalists, Society of Professional Journalists