Professional Experience
I'm an experienced freelance writer, publicist, ghostwriter and editor available to support companies worldwide per-project or on retainer. I'm affordable, successful, and responsible, offering great clips/samples and over 20 years of industry success. My ghostwritten books have won multiple industry awards.
20 Years
16 Years
20 Years
18 Years
Consumer Products
16 Years
Other, Specify
20 Years
PR (firm) - Small to mid-sized corp. clients
20 Years
Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
18 Years
Online/new media
16 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
20 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Markee Magazine (3-5), Pinnacle Post (10+), Mr. X Effects (10+), Piranha Productions (10+), (10+), Triad Studios (6-10), OceanFootage/NatureFootage (10+), Silverman Stock (6-10), Footage Bank (6-10), Hatmaker (10+), Smash (10+), Big Blue Dot (10+), Photonica (10+), Frantic Films (6-10), Mad Cow Pictures (1-2), Producers Library Service
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Classic Wire Cut (10+), FlatRate Moving (10+), Ilaria Barion LLC (10+), NextUp Technologies (10+), C&H Glassworks (6-10), JMOR (6-10), Magical Strings (10+), Bin Software (1-2), (10+), FastSpring (10+), The Heller Organization (3-5), Shleppers (10+), Flatrate Moving (10+), Natural Learning Concepts (10+), Alicia Bertine (10+)
Other Work History
Paranoid Public Relations, 1995-Present. Founder. Clients: FastSpring, Shleppers, the Heller Organization, NextUp Technologies, Misaro, Ilaria Barion LLC, C&H Glassworks, JMOR, NLC, Kindsnacks, Space Virus, Mr. X, Assassin Records, Film Bank/ASA, PLS, Cool Beans World, Mad Cow Pictures, more.
Piranha Productions (Seattle, WA), Oct 99 - Feb 01. VP/PR. Merged with client to found new PR and marketing branch. Clients included Moneytree, The Fledgling, Alaska Industrial Resources,, Seattle RV Show, STL Int'l, more. Left in 2001 to return to independent PR.
WE Magazine (Dallas, TX), July 93 - 06. Tech Watch Columnist.
Texas Computing/Computer Currents Magazine (Dallas, TX). May 93 - May 95
Managing Editor. Oversaw DFW and Houston edition production and layout; launched Austin/San Antonio edition. Wrote articles and editorials, edited feature content, built/managed staff on/off-site, implemented style sheets, web presence, guidelines, marketing, PR.
Technical Skills
Writing (features, publicity materials, web and marcom content), ghostwriting (article and book-length), editing, layout, some graphic design, advanced Web search/research, plus: expert-level knowledge on production/post, animation, gaming, performing arts, television and pop culture.
I've published over 700 features to date in my career, with feature credits including Writer's Digest,, Computer Currents, Women's Enterprise, Minority Business News, Markee, and many more.
As a skilled ghostwriter, I'm uniquely able to adapt to the subject's style, so that it's your voice the reader hears -- not mine. My ghostwritten projects have included dozens of articles including national publications, as well as book-length how-to and autobiographical projects.
As a freelance marketing and PR support person managing multiple projects out-of-house, I'm highly skilled at everything from project management to marketing and editorial calendar assembly and management, and also provide able support on
Computer Skills
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 360, CorelDraw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Corel PhotoPaint, Camtasia, Acrobat, MailChimp, Outlook, Chrome, Explorer, Final Draft, PowerPoint. Project Management platform expertise includes Asana, Confluence, Hubspot. PC (Windows 10).
High-end Windows desktop systems and laptops, standard peripherals, high-speed wireless, etc.
Jason Foodman, Sean Horrigan, Jene Aviram, many more -- please query for rave reviews and recommendations.
PRSA, Avantguild