Camper English

San Francisco, CA USA

Professional Experience

I'm a freelance writer, speaker, cocktail judge, and consultant in the San Francisco area focusing on cocktails, spirits, bars, and travel. I've visited nearly 100 distilleries in 20 countries so far. I'm a regular contributor to Saveur, FSR Magazine, Mixology Magazine, Whisky Advocate, and Drinks International, and have contributed to venues including, Time, Everyday with Rachael Ray, Fine Cooking, and many other publications. My website,, is one of the most widely read and respected cocktail blogs in the country.


Book Author
6 Years
13 Years
13 Years


10 Years
10 Years
Other, Specify
10 Years


Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
12 Years
Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
10 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
12 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

13 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

San Francisco Magazine (10+), SF Chronicle/ (10+), Tasting Panel Magazine (10+), Saveur Magazine (3-5), (3-5), Drinks International (3-5), Whisky Advocate (6-10), Every Day with Rachael Ray Magazine (1-2), Fine Cooking Magazine (10+)

Other Work History

Published scientific author, computer programmer.

Technical Skills

Scientific research skills from database analysis to image analysis to grant writing.

Foreign Language Skills

Some Spanish and French

Computer Skills

Word, Excel, HTML, ASP, C, C++, Java, JavaScript, SQL, Delphi, Windows XP, Mac OSX. (Former software engineer.)


Digital camera, audio recorder, bar tools


Available on request.


Legends Award, San Francisco Cocktail Week 2012. Best Writer, Tales of the Cocktail 2011.


Mediabistro's AvantGuild, United States Bartenders' Guild, BarSmarts graduate, B.A.R. Certified



A 3-page travel story on Aspen.

Cocktails, Bars, Spirits, Wine, and Beer

A 14-page nightlife guide to San Francisco, featuring over 100 bar and club reviews.
Hidden bars were a hot trend in 2007.
Cover story for the SF Chronicle's Wine section on lost cocktail ingredients.
The craft cocktail movement in San Francisco, focussing on molecular mixology and Bourbon & Branch. This was the cover of the Chronicle's Wine section.
The Bay Area has long been home to the farm-forward cocktail movement - initially personified by Scott Beattie, then of Cyrus restaurant, who sourced produce from neighbors' fruit trees for his bar. Lately, more bartenders are doing the gardening work themselves, for the same reason that backyard gardeners seem to have appeared everywhere. The extra effort may not save money, and the drinks may not taste noticeably fresher to the customer, but you can bet they do to the proud garden tender who grew part of your gimlet from seed.
Many cocktail contests now require bartenders to pair drinks with meals or invent them on the spot with a secret ingredient, but a recent competition challenged mixologists around the world with a new pairing: cocktails with cocktail dresses.
Now that absinthe is legal in America, what are you going to make with it?
Bottle talk with the CEO behind San Francisco's favorite shot, Fernet-Branca.

financial- thrift and savings

This is my first book. See the website for excerpts, reviews, and ordering information.