Professional Experience
Dina is an award winning marketing and sales professional with over fifteen years of experience in internet content and digital media. Her diverse background includes interactive and digital marketing, content product management, social media strategy, enterprise advertising, campaign management, direct response strategy, copywriting, and content management. She has managed a team of marketers responsible for content and logistics associated with sending over 10M emails a month. She is known for her skill in writing actionable copy that makes customers click and for the creation of sticky landing pages that inspire potential customers to become buyers. She's been told that her creativity combined with her analytical thought process are a rare combination that makes her an excellent marketer.
15 Years
6 Years
Social Media
6 Years
4 Years
15 Years
Other, Specify
10 Years
Marketing (in-house) - Fortune 1000 corp. clients
12 Years
Online/new media
15 Years
6 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
15 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Penton Media, Dell, HP, Google, Citrix Online (10+), Media Bistro (1-2), Magnovo (1-2)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Penton Media, Dell, HP, Microsoft (10+), Voyager Learning (3-5), Adoption Advocacy and Alternatives (3-5)
Other Work History
Director of Online Development - Created proprietary lead generation system for enterprise advertising clients including Microsoft, Google, HP, Apple, Dell, Boeing, Kraft Foods and more. Managed nine marketing staff and lead them to Markie award for Marketing Center of Excellence, 2010.
On-line and Print Sales Manager, TechTarget
5 Years
On-line Sales Manager, Penton Media
4 Years
Acquisitions Editor, Duke Communications
2 Years
Technical Skills
Video scripting, Video recording (Camtasia), PowerPoint, GoToMeeting, Word, HTML(Dreamweaver), Social Media Analytics (Google Analytics), Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Hubspot, Drupal, DNN, and more.
Foreign Language Skills
Computer Skills
Word, Excel, Powerpoint, DreamWeaver, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premier Pro, Windows, Windows, Adobe InDesign, Smartsheets, and more.
Dell PC, Sony Laptop, HP Photo Printer and Scanner, Ipad, Projector, Nikon D80 Digital Camera
Work Permits & Visas
Please ask for list
Tammy Brannen-Smith of Adoption Advocacy and Alternatives:
Markie Award for Marketing Excellence
Avante Guild and Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers