Professional Experience
Experienced Italy-based freelancer specializing in hard news, politics, features, environmental topics, media and entertainment, food, wine, and travel stories. I also write book reviews in my areas of specialty and have experience as a ghost writer. I am multi-lingual, multi-cultural, and well traveled. I live in Rome.
20 Years
20 Years
Other, Specify
10 Years
Environment & Nature
10 Years
10 Years
Other, Specify
20 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
15 Years
Newspaper - National
20 Years
Wire Service
18 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
20 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Zagat Guides (3-5), Wall Street Journal (Europe & US) (3-5), GlobalPost (10+), Misc. media syndicates (10+), The Hollywood Reporter (10+), USA Today (10+), Xinhua news agency (10+), Airline magazines (6-10), Wine & Spirits (1-2), Fodor's Guidebooks (1-2)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (10+), Various UN agencies (3-5)
Other Work History
Former staffer for Wall Street Journal/Dow Jones and UPI.
Foreign Language Skills
Native English speaker, fluent Spanish, and Italian. Basic knowledge of French
Writers' guild, Italian Journalist Union, Vatican Press Club.
Computer Skills
Micorsoft Office Suite, Max OSX, Windows, basic HTML and web design
Macintosh laptop computer, iPad, 12MP Leica digital camera, digital voice recorder, high-speed Internet connection, mobile Internet connection
Work Permits & Visas
Official permanent work visa for Italy; valid for up to 90 days in other parts of the European Union
Available on request
Lowel Thomas Award (Silver); former fellow with the International Center for Journalists; Achievement Award from Foreign Press Association in Peru, several company-wide honors
Italy Foreign Press Club (Rome), Vatican Press Association, Society of Professional Journalists