Professional Experience
As a tenacious journalist with a passion for political and social issues, I relish a good challenge. I specialize in news and feature writing with the flair and accuracy editors crave, be it a short, sweet quick hit or an in-depth analytical challenge. Thanks to my diverse media experience, I have an appreciation for detail, deadlines and fast-paced environments. Topics tackled include cable television, homelessness and low-income housing, compulsive hoarding (collecting). I also review political and historical nonfiction books and write op-eds on diverse topics from the “Ghettopoly” board game to the Iraq War.
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Spare Change News (10+), Boston Metro (6-10), Boston Globe (1-2), Publishers Weekly (10+)
Other Work History
Associate Producer, Christian Science Monitor Television, Boston, MA.
Traffic/Production Assistant, C-SPAN, Washington, D.C.
Freelance Radio Newsreader, BBC World Service, London, UK
Press Consultant, Action & Words Theatre Company (Fringe), London, UK
Administrative Positions, WGBH Boston
Foreign Language Skills
Excellent conversational French
Basic Spanish
Computer Skills
Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Lexis-Nexis.
PC, Olympus digital camera, audio recorder.
Upon request
Staff Award, Outstanding Series/Studio Honors, National Academy Arts and Sciences, Boston/ New England Chapter/Christian Science Monitor Television, Boston, MA