Jeffery Lindholm

3 Sunnyside Terrace, Montpelier, VT 05602 USA
Website: http://

Professional Experience

I have four decades of experience writing and editing, including the seemingly unrelated fields of health care and music. As a freelancer, I have done book copy editing and proofreading on nonfiction subjects such as climate change, the Federal Reserve, American history, and monster movies. Fiction genres for book copy edits include Westerns, hard-boiled action thrillers, cozy mysteries, and romance. I worked in the University of Virginia Health System's Office of Marketing and Communications, where I wrote about medical treatment and research for a variety of publications, including patient-information brochures. I also wrote Web content and radio PSAs, and edited annual reports. As a freelancer, I have also done copy editing for medical and science journals. I played saxophone in my high school jazz ensemble and later with the musicians who became 10,000 Maniacs. I have written magazine and newspaper reviews and articles about many types of music, including folk, rock, Swedish folk-rock, jazz, blu


Copy Editor
20 Years
40 Years
40 Years


Books & Literature
20 Years
17 Years
34 Years


Magazine - Trade magazines/publications (B2B)
40 Years
Academia Other
17 Years
Book Publishing Consumer
20 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

40 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

New Jersey Monthly magazine (10+), Kensington Publishing Corp. (10+), ABC-CLIO/Greenwood (10+)

Other Work History

Book copy editor and proofreader for Chicago Review Press, Kensington Publishing, Page Street Publishing, ABC-CLIO/Greenwood, the People’s Medical Publishing House in Beijing, and Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Nonfiction work includes books on the Federal Reserve System, acupuncture, the history of monster movies, and an encyclopedia of hairstyles. In fiction, cozy mysteries (including the Melanie Travis dog show series), the Jonathan Grave and Arliss Cutter thriller series, and Westerns. Copy editor for medical and scientific journals, including Journal of Neurosurgery and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences as well as various journals for Dartmouth Journal Services (now Sheridan Journal Services). Writer of book, video, and album reviews related to music for Dirty Linen magazine, Driftwood (online blog), Charlottesville (VA) Daily Progress, and C’ville Weekly.

Technical Skills

Photography (digital and conventional film); audio recording and radio production.

Computer Skills

Computers (Mac and PC), printers, scanner, digital photography.


Apple laptop computer, digital camera.


Arthur Maisel, production editor (retired), Kensington Publishing Corp.,; John Gilstrap, author of the Jonathan Grave series,; Babette Reynolds, sales administration, New Jersey Monthly magazine,


Circle of Excellence Award, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, for "At the Forefront of the Field," Heart Center brochure, 1996. Best Articles of the Year, bronze medal, Council for Advancement and Support of Education, for Helix article on designer drugs, "Design for Dying," 1988.


Editorial Freelancers Association


Book Copyediting

History of the Federal Reserve, from financial, political, and social angles, and written for a general audience.
This memoir recounts the journey of Abd al Malik, born in France to a family from the Congo, who goes from street crime to fundamentalist Islam, but whose love of music leads him to study with a Sufi master musician, and finally to fame as a rapper who sings of love and joy.
A humorous, cartoon-based examination of climate change that debunks the many arguments against the climate science that you might hear from your cranky uncle.
From publisher's website: "America is under fire. Multiple terror attacks have left the country reeling. . . . Freelance operative Jonathan Grave penetrates a terrorist cell to stop the detonation of total mayhem on home ground."
From the publisher's website: "Two-time Spur Award winner Brett Cogburn revives the true grit and glory of the Old West with a hero as glorious as the author’s real-life ancestor Rooster Cogburn — master gunman Newt 'Widowmaker' Jones. But when the Widowmaker agrees to guard a mountain of silver against an outlaw out for revenge and a cold-blooded hired gun, has he signed his own death warrant?"
From the publisher's website: "It’s autumn in Connecticut and there’s a chill in the air, the fall leaves are a riot of color, and pumpkin spice is the flavor of the season. Melanie Travis is perennially busy, of course—but when the owner of a local pet supply shop is found murdered, sleuthing tops her To Do list . . ."

Copy Editing: Scientific Journals

An article that I copy edited for Neurosurgical Focus, the online journal of the Journal of Neurosurgery.
An article that I copy edited for the Journal of Neurosurgery. Written by researchers from the Department of Neurosurgery and Institute for Transplantation Diagnostics and Cell Therapeutics, Heinrich-Heine-University Medical Center, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Writing: Health and Wellness

Article for medical professionals about new treatments for tinnitus (ringing in the ears) at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center. Published in HELIX, the center's quarterly magazine.
Overview of the history of acupuncture as a traditional medical treatment in Asia and its steady progress into the mainstream as an alternative treatment in the West in recent years. From HELIX the University of Virginia Health System's quarterly magazine.

Music Reviews

Review of album by Leon Russell for Rootsworld, an online music publication.
Review of live CD by folk musician Ry Cooder and a 10-piece Mexican brass band.