Professional Experience
I'm a versatile and dependable writer and editor with experience covering a wide variety of topics with my most recent focus being food, lifestyle, and entertainment. I spent the last several years in senior editor positions at Yahoo in Santa Monica, California, on both its celebrity and women's lifestyle properties and also previously held a staff reporter job with Dow Jones in New York. Over the years I've interviewed hundreds of interesting people, from celebrities and chefs to billionaire Internet moguls and Stanford economists. I'm now back to freelancing full-time (which makes my dog very happy) and am available for reported pieces, quick hits, editing needs, and consulting projects. I do the research, ask the right questions, get the stories in on time, and make myself readily available for follow-up. Best of all, I love what I do.
15 Years
6 Years
15 Years
10 Years
10 Years
7 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
11 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
10 Years
Online/new media
15 Years
Total Media Industry Experience
15 Years
Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Eater LA (10+), Angeleno (10+), Los Angeles Business Journal (10+), UrbanDaddy (10+), Yahoo! (10+), Us Weekly (6-10), TV Guide (6-10), Dow Jones VentureWire (6-10), (6-10), Muscle & Fitness (6-10), 944 Los Angeles (6-10), Every Day With Rachael Ray (3-5), Successful Living (3-5), The Design Magazine (3-5), Trader Monthly (3-5), The American (1-2), Fit Pregnancy (1-2), Budget Travel (1-2), Alaska Airlines Magazine (1-2), Pasadena Magazine (1-2), Relish (1-2), Success Magazine (1-2), Bergen Mama (10+), Palm Springs Life (1-2)
Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)
Amos Content (10+), The Abbey Company (6-10), Belkin (3-5)
Other Work History
Senior Editor of women's lifestyles at Yahoo; Deputy Editor of Yahoo Celebrity; contributing writer to Yahoo Food; regular columnist for Eater LA; staff reporter for Dow Jones VentureWire; freelance writer for newspapers, magazines, and online publications.
Technical Skills
Web production, HTML, Tumblr, Social Media
Foreign Language Skills
basic Spanish
Computer Skills
Word, Excel, Windows XP
laptop, digital camera, audio recorder, and phone hookup
Work Permits & Visas
U.S. passport
Will gladly provide upon request