Louis Postel
58 Hancock Street
Lexington, MA 02420
Lexington, MA 02420
Website: http://www.postel-ink.com
Professional Experience
I try to write using all C-words -- stories that are creative, clear, and compelling. If that sounds copasetic, give us a call.
I am a freelance writer, writing workshop facilitator, magazine maven and content creator with twenty years in the business. My expertise is in in interior design for homes and mega yachts, the ‘floating palaces’ of St. Bart’s and Monaco.
Over the years I have written and/or produced feature articles, columns, captions, custom magazines, niche magazines, blogs, blurbs, advertisements, even a few films. Credits include: Showboats International, New England Home, Robb Report, Wynn, Boston Magazine, Worth, and Design Times.
My columns for New England Home and Showboats International have been running for almost a decade and are going strong.
15 Years
20 Years
Other, Specify
20 Years
Home & Garden
30 Years
Sports & Recreation
15 Years
Magazine - Local/Regional magazines
20 Years