Mary Alice Franklin

Astoria, NY USA

Professional Experience

Mary Alice Franklin is a creative media professional from New York with a strong focus on arts & culture. Mary Alice works as a writing and social media freelancer, adapting to each company’s unique voice and managing its brand via social media presence. Currently she is Editor of Westchester County’s arts and culture newspaper, ArtsWNews. The paper has doubled in readership and expanded in distribution during her time as Editor. She is also the Social Media Manager at ArtsWestchester, the largest nonprofit arts council in New York State. In her free time she enjoys reading, photography, exploring every inch of New York City possible – especially its museums – yoga, binge-watching Netflix and people-watching from coffee shops. Mary Alice has a Master’s degree in Publishing, a Bachelor’s degree in English/Literature and minors in Writing, Art History and Psychology. Examples of her work can be found at:


3 Years
10 Years
Social Media
5 Years


Arts & Humanities
5 Years


Online/new media
10 Years
Newspaper - Community
3 Years
3 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

10 Years

Other Work History

Published in The Huffington Post, Skinnygirl Daily, Pure Filler, Art Feed Online and more. Sited as a "social media success story" in Beth Schillaci's "Your Social Media Roadmap." Experienced Social Media Manager.

Technical Skills

Some Adobe Photoshop and Indesign

Computer Skills

PC, Mac, Microsoft Office, html


Macbook Air, Canon DSLR
