Sarah Kinbar

Orlando, FL USA

Professional Experience

As a former magazine editor, I understand what editors are looking for from freelancers: articles that are clearly connected to the accompanying photography and that deliver deep information and service to readers. My areas of expertise are design, gardens, lifestyle, photography, health and fitness.


11 Years
13 Years


Arts & Humanities
2 Years
2 Years
Home & Garden
10 Years


Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
10 Years
Newspaper - Local/Regional
4 Years
Online/new media
6 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

12 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Waterski magazine (10+), Modern Magazine (1-2), Garden & Gun (1-2)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Lenkin Design, Inc. (3-5), Guess Watches (10+), Pfister Faucets (10+)

Other Work History

Editor-in-chief, Garden Design magazine Editor, American Photo magazine Associate gardening editor, Cottage Living magazine

Computer Skills

Word, Pages, InDesign


Mac desktop computer, iPad, iPhone


GWA Gold Award, Florida Magazine Award


Garden Writer's Association



One father creates the dream ski adventure for his kids.
I edited this fitness story covering trainer Leslie Bender's back-stretching techniques.
WaterSki tours New York's little-known ski scene and witnesses a few sets in the cold, choppy and less-than-sanitary waters of the Hudson River.
Skiing can be an addiction and, for some people, one that completely takes over. Their careers, friendships and almost every minute of their lives are dedicated to the sport.
Let's see how much pro skiers and siblings Jason and Whitney McClintock really know about each other.


Landscape designer Sarah Lake puts her signature touch on a rural Texas farmstead.
Learn how to grow citrus indoors, and discover varieties you've never tasted before.
Cutting Edge is a floral design column in Garden Design magazine.
Palm Beach landscape architects Jorge Sanchez and Phil Maddux have an especially elegant way of incorporating hardscape and water feature details into their gardens.
Landscape Architect James van Sweden has designed a meadow for a garden at his Chesapeake Bay weekend house.