Professional Experience
My research and investigative skills were taught via my work with the CIA. I traveled the world, learned numerous cultures, and made hundreds of global contacts, which lead me, post-CIA to work for an Italian press agency in Rome. My training came from award-winning reporters who came from all over the world. My investigative skills became stronger and my communication skills, which were my prime assets, became even stronger. My first assignment was to cover the ill health and final demise of Pope John Paul II, later covering the voting of the now retired Pope Benedict. My training is hands-on and I am ready to go out in the field, as I did for the CIA and the press agency in Rome, to obtain stories for a reporter when I employed for a news agency. My family and I are relocating back home to CT to be closer to NYC for employment purposes.
Entry Level
1 Year
5 Years
5 Years
6 Years
Online/new media
3 Years