Susan Diranian

Washington, DC USA

Professional Experience

Published author and professional freelance writer and editor based in the Washington DC area with experience covering a wide variety of subjects as well as government proposals and contracts.


10 Years
Technical Writer
2 Years
10 Years


3 Years
Other, Specify
3 Years
3 Years


Online/new media
3 Years
6 Years
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

3 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

CBS Washington (10+), Stiletto Woman Magazine (10+), The Examiner (10+), The Nest (3-5), USA Today (1-2)

Corporate Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Raytheon (10+), Advanced Energy (10+), American Red Cross (10+), Ocean Conservancy (1-2)



"Speak softly and carry a big stick" might have been Theodore Roosevelt's foreign policy, but you, too, can carry a big stick—well, one of the big, best billiard sticks—the next time you hit the pool hall. Though, on second thought, speaking softly is for pansies.
It may sound impossible to do but unplugging yourself from the digital world is easy. Not to mention will help boost your creativity muscle, develop deeper and meaningful relationships with your friends and family and help improve your sleep.
Staying fit while pregnant not only reduces the risk of putting on too much weight, but also prepares your body for labor and the birth of your baby. Staying fit while pregnant also helps you bounce back to your pre-baby weight and size a lot quicker than had you sat on the couch and done nothing.
Let's face it: running on the treadmill for hours on end is about as exciting as watching your freshly painted manicure dry. If you're itching for a new way to get healthy and stay in shape, even as the temps start to drop, then consider these latest fitness trends for Fall.
No matter what the season, dry skin tends to find its way to our hands and feet. In most cases, dry skin is caused by dry air. That's why your skin feels its driest during the winter. The sun and summertime heat may also dry out your skin. Other factors may include too hot showers, irritating soaps and laundry detergents, as well as skin disorders such as eczema.
Facebook is dubbed as a social networking website. While some take advantage of this resource by building new connections and making new friends, others tend to abuse its purpose (hourly Facebook updates anyone?) While what-I-had-for-lunch and how-I-spend-every-minute-of-my-day posts are annoying, relationships-related Facebook posts are the worst. Have you committed any of these Facebook crimes of passion lately?


Whether you are a fun-seeking college co-ed or a family bored with the usual summer destinations, plan your next getaway at the Texas Gulf Coast.


Turn your home into a winter wonderland without going bankrupt.
Turn your home into a winter wonderland without going bankrupt.
There's a lot of living going on in your living room. It's the place where you entertain guests, play board games, read the paper or just lounge around. If you're looking for ways to liven up your living room, check out these tips for low-budget living room design ideas.
We've all heard the sage old advice: save your money for a rainy day. These days, rainy days come in many different forms. Instead of stressing out and scrambling for that extra cash, plan a home budget. You won't realize its importance until that one day when it starts to pour.


There is no city in the world quite like our nation's capital. It's a place where history meets modern day, power meets compromise, conflict meets peace. It's vibrant, peaceful, political, cultural, sensational, livable and wonderful. Take a look at what makes Washington, D.C. so extraordinary.