Professional Experience
Tech/science/medical writer & editor for both professionals and consumers since 1987. Began for magazines/newsletters, then eventually moved into marketing, education, and instruction.
Trade print journalism includes PIRELLI ENGINEERING NEWSLETTER, LIFE SCIENCE LEADER, ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE and NURSEWEEK. Consumer clients include: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING, ARTHRITIS TODAY, NEW YORK TIMES (special advertising supplements). Marketing materials include books, booklets, brochures, white papers/case studies, et al.
Quickly called to help launch first websites, including consumer education from AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, CBSHEALTHWATCH.COM, SEARS and ERICKSON RETIREMENT COMMUNITIES (won award for latter).
Special expertise: Health & Medical Writing. Other industries: Computers, Engineering, Life Science and Beauty. Sub-specialty: reaching growing Baby Boomer/Senior Market.
20 Years
Technical Writer
10 Years
Other, Specify
20 Years
20 Years
20 Years
Other, Specify
18 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
10 Years
Newsletter - Consumer
10 Years
15 Years