Jamie Beckman

New York, NY USA
Website: http://www.jamiebeckman.com

Professional Experience

Relationships, love, and dating are my writing specialties, and I also cover health, nutrition, and lifestyle stories. I've written for national magazines, websites, and newspapers, and I love nothing more than interviewing sharp, quick-witted psychologists, doctors, and experts for service pieces. I wrote a light, fun book about how to survive a breakup in 30 days (The Frisky 30-Day Breakup Guide, 2010, Ulysses Press) and have given expert quotes to newspapers and magazines about such topics as Hugh Hefner's engagement and how to subtly tell a guy you're not interested. I've also appeared on national television and radio programs to talk about dating and breakups. I also have extensive copyediting experience; I can whip copy into shape on a super-tight deadline.


Book Author
1 Year
Copy Editor
6 Years
10 Years


5 Years
5 Years
1 Year


Book Publishing Consumer
2 Years
Magazine - Large Consumer/National magazines
8 Years
Online/new media
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

10 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

SheKnows.com (10+), Gilt City (10+), TheFrisky.com (3-5), Glamour (1-2), Men's Journal (1-2)

Other Work History

I'm currently the editor of the Sexcerpts relationships/sex blog for SheKnows.com. In 2010, my first book, The Frisky 30-Day Breakup Guide, was published by Ulysses Press. Most recently, I was the copy chief at Men's Journal magazine. Prior to that I was an editorial assistant at First for Women magazine, and I've also worked as a freelance writer and staff member for Men's Health and Best Life magazines.

Computer Skills

InCopy, InDesign, WordPress, Quark, Word, Excel


MacBook Pro



