Lora Friedenthal

Ringoes, NJ USA

Professional Experience

An enthusiastic editor and freelancer, I have had experience working on educational books for children, true crime novels, and pop culture biographies. Often, the projects I work on need extensive fact-checking, research, and rewriting. I'm also a geek who understands technology and a fiction reader who hates a bad plot. Nothing would please me more than working in a genre that I haven't yet had the chance to experience.


4 Years
3 Years
Entry Level


Books & Literature
2 Years
2 Years


Book Publishing Trade/B2B
1 Year
Book Publishing Consumer
2 Years

Total Media Industry Experience

4 Years

Media Client List (# assignments last 2 yrs)

Cosimo Books (1-2), OTTN Publishing (3-5), Roaring Brook Press (6-10)

Other Work History

Oct. 2005 - Jan. 2007 OTTN Publishing - Associate Editor Structural editing and copyediting for two complete series and various parts of series Successfully dealt with challenging, inexperienced, and disorganized authors Completely rewrote and/or wrote sections of books Wrote and edited photo captions and back cover copy Proofed galleys Acquired writers Fact-checked manuscripts Created indexes Researched world history in preparation for a series Jan. 2005 June 2005 New Horizon Press Publishing Intern Copyedited manuscripts for two True Crime (400pg, 300pg) and two Self-Help (250pg each) Proofed typeset manuscripts for True Crime and Children's books Wrote catalog copy, tipsheets, and back cover copy Evaluated manuscripts for approval or rejection Acted as acquisitions editor with various authors Created promotional flyers Wrote pitch letters Assembled targeted marketing contact lists Assembled and mailed media press kits

Technical Skills

basic HTML, basic CSS

Computer Skills

Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, MS Office, OpenOffice, Windows, Mac, Thunderbird, Firefox, InDesign, Quark, Photoshop


Thinkpad laptop, MS Word, OpenOffice, Chicago Manual of Style


Jim Gallagher - OTTN Publishing MaryAnn Johanson - Cosimo Books


American MENSA



This is one example of the many pieces of back cover copy I wrote for Cosimo. It contains a selected quote, summary, and biography of the author.
This sample is the first chapter of a biography on Orlando Bloom that I edited for the young adult market.