There really are a thousand ways to sink a job interview. A job interview is a tricky kind of social parlor game with major life implications. It can seem like a highly-choreographed dance of etiquette and enthusiasm that can bring you to the next progressive stage of your life, or can leave you walking to your car in a daze of confusion of embarrassment. From our perspective, when you put all the choreography aside, there’s one thing a candidate needs to do in a job interview that’s so fundamental, many people forget to even consider it, and as a result, forget to even do it. It’s something that people assume they’re doing, even if they’re not.

The One Thing Even Executives Forget To Do In Job Interviews

This guest post comes to us from Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting, a boutique recruitment firm specializing in Supply Chain Management and Procurement. Most of us at Argentus have been recruiting for at least a decade, so we’ve seen it all in terms of things people have done (and not done) in job interviews. We’ve seen mundane,…