There are many reasons why a hiring manager is almost guaranteed to ask you this during your next job interview. First, they might want to tell whether or not you’re likely to hop from one job to the next. In their book, is the reason you’re choosing to leave valid? They may also (and rightly so) want to know if you left voluntarily, “asked” to leave, or fired. And then besides your reason for why you left, they may also want to get a feel for how you left. The way an employee leaves a job can tell a lot about who they are when they don’t care what people think of them anymore. Ever hear a good storming out story? Entertaining, sure. Not so great for interviews, though.

How to Talk About Why You’re Leaving Your Old Company

First of all… Why do employers ask, “Why did you leave your last job?” There are many reasons why a hiring manager is almost guaranteed to ask you this during your next job interview. First, they might want to tell whether or not you’re likely to hop from one job to the next. In their book, is…