Even before the COVID-19 crisis, companies were trending toward video or virtual interviews and one could potentially argue that even after it’s safe to return to our offices, that video interviews will continue to be increasingly utilized. So, how are you currently feeling about your video interview skills? Does the extra experience with Facetime or Instagram stories make you a pro? Or are you nervous about not being able to get a wholistic feel for the company or read social cues as in a traditional interview? Wherever you find yourself on the preparedness spectrum, we want to share our tips for having a great video interview.

How to Nail a Video Interview

Here’s the obvious: COVID-19 is changing the way a lot of businesses are functioning.  That being said, many companies are finding new ways to adapt their old processes to continue functioning, even when working remotely.  We’re seeing many companies transition to interviewing candidates over video conferencing and even creating processes to onboard new employees remotely…