(The Huffington Post 11/29/2010)
A comedic look at the latest leak by Wikileaks, which proves that the US is the "Alpha Female" of global politics, and that high school never ends.
(The Huffington Post 10/10/2012)
A funny look at the national flu afflicting many in the US, and beyond, in the final weeks of the 2012 presidential election.
(The Huffington Post 12/6/2010)
A satirical jab at the self-proclaimed "whistleblower," Wikileaks, in the wake of its decisions to release private diplomatic cables from the US government.
(The Huffington Post 2/11/2013)
A cartoon about the surprise resignation of Pope Benedict XVI.
(The Huffington Post 12/19/2011)
British-American Man of Letters Christopher Hitchens meets a bevy of dictators while waiting for word as to whether there's an afterlife.
(Self 4/2/2012)
After a historic weekend that saw Burma's first free-and-fair(ish) elections since 1990, it's having second thoughts about detox.
(The Huffington Post 3/6/2012)
God is being invoked so much in the Republican primaries, that God considers throwing his hat in the ring at the Republican National Convention.
(The Huffington Post 1/13/2012)
Are you confused by the amount of cross-the-aisle policy incest going on in the Republican primaries -- and the White House? You're not alone!
A political cartoon.
(The Huffington Post 9/23/2010)
A look at the United Nations General Assembly from the point of view of fashion.
(The Huffington Post 1/31/2011)
You've lived for under decades of autocratic rule and you're sick of it. You may be sick of the endemic corruption in official-dom, while the government does little to innovate the economy and improve your standard of living. You may be an ethnic or religious minority that's always been shortchanged -- if not outright attacked -- by the powers-that-be -- a nettlesome hangover of the colonial past. Or you may be simply too young to remember the good ole' days your aging dictator or ruling party still brags about. That means -- you may even still live with your parents.
Things are especially tough now, because you've got satellite TV and the Internet and you can see how the rest of the world lives.
So you say you want a revolution?
Take a look at this handy chart covering a smattering of recent revolutions, militant movements, terror groups and insurgencies to see how others have tried to topple a government!
(The Huffington Post 2/1/2011)
If Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak were logging into Craiglist these days, it might look something like this.
(The Huffington Post 9/12/2011)
What conversations are *really* going on within Qaddafi's inner circle? This piece features a return of Omar, Qaddafi's loyal-ish translator.
(Self 5/17/2012)
A play-by-play of the first day of the Ratko Mladic trial in the Hague, and how it compares to the latest arraignment of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, architect of 9/11 in Guantanamo Bay.
Trust me, you'll like it.
HuffPo are refusing to run it, presumably because I used the word "ass."
(The Huffington Post 2/7/2011)
A video providing advice to dictators on how to stay in power. Please see text below.
Since the Tunisian and Egyptian democracy uprisings, there's little doubt that Middle Eastern leaders have been scrambling. From Damascus to Tripoli, many are scratching their heads, wondering, Exactly how much political reform does it take to make myself look genuinely committed to the democratic process, while maintaining a firm hold on power?
Perhaps not surprisingly, the political upheaval has paved the way for consultants - yes, management consultants - to help those Arab leaders navigate from the calm waters of authoritarian rule through the treacherous shoals of democratic reform.
Or not. No matter what went down in Cairo, some leaders may simply not be in the mood for democracy.
For them, there are "Dictator Tips" - a primer developed by one management consultant intended to help ensure the longevity of any interested regime.
(The Huffington Post 2/22/2011)
A humorous look at a conversation in Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's inner circle, as his regime crumbles.
(The Huffington Post 2/17/2011)
A humorous look at an unexpected (and indeed, fictional) twist to the democracy uprisings sweeping the Middle East.
(TrueSlant 8/25/2009)
A humorous - and yet valid - repudiation of Newsweek magazine's assertion that Great Britain wrecked the world.
(TrueSlant 11/2/2009)
A funny take on what reality television might be like if you worked in international development, aid and media in Southeast Asia.
Admittedly, it's slightly inside baseball.
(TrueSlant 2/25/2010)
A humorous look at how the Olympics define the soul of a country, Canada's national identity crisis.
(TrueSlant 9/16/2009)
A humorous look at the problems Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Qaddafi had while trying to secure housing in New York City ahead of the United Nations General Assembly Meeting in September 2009.
(TrueSlant 12/22/2009)
A funny look at the year's events in world politics - 2009.
(Huffington Post 8/10/2010)
A humorous and insightful look at Naomi Campbell's testimony at the Hague, in the war-crimes trial of Charles Taylor; and Wyclef Jean's announcement that he's running for the presidency of Haiti.
(The Huffington Post 2/14/2012)
Have you noticed the whackiness shared by both Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Republican Primary candidate Rick Santorum?
Both favor theocratic rule over their respective homelands -- but when they try to live together, hijinks ensue!
A political cartoon.
(TrueSlant 5/9/2010)
A funny look at the presidential elections in the Philippines, May 2010.
(TrueSlant 6/15/2010)
A comical look at a possible conversation between President Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Afghan President Hamid Karzai, upon the "discovery" of Afghanistan's vast mineral resources.
(TrueSlant 7/16/2010)
A secret White House meeting between President Barack Obama, and Mephistopheles - the representative of the Devil.
(The Huffington Post 10/20/2010)
A humorous look at the phenomenon of celebrity assistance or branding of a humanitarian issue.
(The Huffington Post 3/18/2011)
A comedic look at President Obama's little-known relationship with Mephistopheles, representative of Satan.
(The Huffington Post 7/12/2011)
A humorous look at a possible conversation between Rupert Murdoch and his son, James Murdoch, amid the "News of the World" scandal rocking the British media and political establishment.
(HuffPo 10/20/2011)
The final - perhaps - installment of the inside-the-secret-bunker conversations between Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi and Omar, his loyal-ish translator.
(The Huffington Post 3/26/2013)
A comedic look at the rock - yes, it's a just one rock - in the holy city of Jerusalem that is the cause of centuries of warfare and the foreign policy black hole that is the Middle East.
(The Huffington Post 8/20/2010)
A funny look at the Ground Zero Mosque Controversy, in verse.
(The Huffington Post 5/22/2012)
Mitt Romney and his advisers discuss getting their hands on the Blood of Reagan, a vial of which was put on auction in the UK. (Seriously.)
(TrueSlant 7/28/2010)
Another take on a recent US foray into the Middle East - "Sex and the City 2" in light of the "Wikileaks" document leak on the war in Afghanistan.
July 2010.
(The Huffington Post 12/30/2010)
A humorous look at George Clooney's efforts to save Sudan from renewed civil war.
(The Huffington Post 2/8/2025)
A humorous look at how President Obama coped with the debt ceiling talks.
(The Huffington Post 11/18/2010)
From the “Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear� to the hyperbolic ranting of Fox News to the MSNBC suspension of Keith Olbermann and its aftermath, American media have been in the midst of a maelstrom lately – and the portents are not good. (And that’s even if you ignore the culture war skirmish over the Juan Williams firing!)
The networks may look down on the cable news echo-chamber, but really – should they be so high and mighty? And CNN? Sigh. CNN.
So gird your loins for my take on what’s gone on in the media-world of late and what it may mean.
Please click on link to see the video.
Why Wikileaks should be named Wikihacks -- from Hacking himself!
(www.mpnunan.tumblr.com 6/14/2011)
A humorous - and yet serious - take on Henry Kissinger's appearances on television to stump for his China book - including "The Colbert Report."
(The Huffington Post 4/28/2011)
A commentary on the ridiculous decision by Thomson Reuters to fire one war reporter and and reprimand another for a chatroom remark.
(TrueSlant 1/16/2010)
A look at media coverage in Haiti following the January 2010 earthquake.
(TrueSlant 9/9/2009)
An analysis of the lives of "fixers" - the assistants to foreign correspondents - in light of the abduction in Afghanistan of a New York Times reporter, and the death of his "fixer."
(TrueSlant 1/27/2010)
An examination on which of the late night comedians has the best grasp of foreign policy.
Please refer to the URL's for the videos.
(TrueSlant 8/12/2009)
An analysis of the behind-the-scenes work done by the journalists who turn around the bulk of television news - the agency staffers.
(www.mpnunan.tumblr.com 6/21/2011)
A video tribute to the evangelical zeal that must be sustained by those working or going into journalism - and not just "media."
With undying respect to "The Book of Mormon's" Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Robert Lopez and Andrew Rannells.