Joining a professional organization opens up possibilities to build your network, take advantage of learning opportunities and become involved in ways that add cred to your resume. Check out these four options that can lead to valuable connections, useful training and maybe even your next job.
1. American Marketing Association
With more than 30,000 members, and roots that go back as far as the early 1900s, the American Marketing Association is one of the industry’s leading professional organizations. The 70 local chapters across the country offer plenty of networking, training and leadership opportunities such as serving on a local AMA executive board. Members also enjoy exclusive content, including webcasts, newsletters, research and resources to help them do their jobs like calendar and budgeting templates, assessment tools, calculators, and databases.
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Membership Dues: Young professional membership is $110 annually plus chapter dues ($24-$70); Available to anyone who graduated in the last three years.
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2. American Advertising Federation
Advertising is an important component of marketing. The American Advertising Federation promotes this component through a unique network of advertisers, agencies, media companies, local advertising clubs and college chapters. They promote diversity, honor excellence and work together to help solve community concerns through networking, education and community service. Members also get the chance to keep up with the latest trends in technology, creativity and marketing through monthly professional development events.
Membership Dues: Vary by local chapter; Discounted Associate membership available to all new members and young professionals under 32 years old.
3. Public Relations Society of America
The Public Relations Society of America is the largest organization of public relations and communications professionals in the country. The society’s more than 22,000 members benefit from professional development and the support of the organization as it sets standards of ethics and advocates for the practice of public relations. Members have access to extensive training in integrated marketing beyond what some consider old-school PR, including social media, corporate communications and more.
Membership Dues: Associate memberships available to those with less than three years experience; $60-$200 based on years of experience and previous membership in the student society PRSSA.
4. LinkedIn Groups
There are more than 45,000 marketing groups on LinkedIn. Popular groups for marketers include Digital Marketing (910,094 members), Social Media Marketing (999,991 members) and Search Engine Land (71,806 members). Most major professional groups and their local chapters also have their own LinkedIn groups. Chances are you can find a group dedicated specifically to your industry or job title, like the Event Managers group (117,582 members). In those, you’ll have unique opportunities to exchange best practices and discuss relevant issues with other marketers just like you.