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When you’re looking for a new freelancer, it’s often due to an emergency scenario. But even in a time crunch, you should never skip the formal interview.

8 Questions to Ask Every Potential Freelancer

When you’re looking for a new freelancer, it’s often due to an emergency scenario: A full-timer just quit without notice. Your favorite contractor isn’t available for the next six months. Or a surprise project just dropped from the sky and there’s no one to staff it. In these urgent situations, we tend to grab the…

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9 Types of People You’ll Interview (and How to Handle Them)

For years, experts have been arguing that job interviews are worthless. Many employers choose the wrong person simply because they favor a personable candidate over a qualified one. When faced with a less-than-perfect interviewee, you may be tempted to write them off. Not so fast. Instead, try a different approach to get the most out…

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How to Interview Designers (Even If You Know Nothing About Design)

It’s intimidating to interview designers, especially if you don’t know much about design. What questions do you ask? How do you judge the answers? How do you effectively evaluate a creative person if you don’t consider yourself a “creative”? 1. Get familiar with good design As a non-designer, it’s important to first familiarize yourself with…

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Diverse job

Use Twitter to Find and Hire More Diverse Job Candidates

McKinsey reports that companies “in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.” In other words, fostering a more inclusive workplace isn’t just the right thing to do, it also improves your business. If your company is looking for to find,…

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The Interview Question You Should Always Ask Social Media Hires

When you’re interviewing new hires for your social media team, the questions can get stale pretty fast. What social management tools do you use? How do you measure the effectiveness of an Instagram campaign? What’s your experience handling Facebook ads? There’s one question you should always ask to see if your interviewee has what it…

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hiring manager interviewing a millennial

4 Questions Managers Must Ask Millennials During a Job Interview

Millennials have different concerns about work than older workers. Unlike baby boomers or Gen X, who typically want to land a job and then figure it out, millennials—that is, people born in the early 1980s to early 2000s, and now the largest generation in the workforce—want to know what they are getting into before they…

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bad job candidate smoking cigarette

10 Warning Signs of a Bad Job Candidate

Not every job applicant—even one you invite for an interview—is worth your utmost attention, so weeding out a bad job candidate early can save time, energy and frustration. Below, workplace experts offer 10 key warning signs of a bad job candidate to look for during the interview. 1. Punctuality Problems Roberta Matuson, CEO of Matuson Consulting and author of Suddenly…

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employer shaking hands with job candidate

The Secrets to Getting the Most Out of Candidate Interviews

You’re lucky to be in a position where you can hire some help, but interviewing candidates is a lot like detective work. Somehow, you’ve got to go beyond pat answers, polished resumes and perfected covers to uncover the real truth: Is this the right person? Use these tips from workplace experts to stay focused on…

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