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Job Descriptions

Hire Better Writers by Writing Better Job Descriptions

Looking to hire better writers? You’re not alone. Ad agencies, publishing houses, media outlets, PR firms, startups and nonprofits are hiring more writers than ever—copywriters, content creators, social media managers, journalists… the list goes on and on. Even if you’re not hiring a writer, chances are you still want an employee with great writing skills….

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EEOC Job Listing

5 Steps to Proving You’re Committed to Diversity—With Your Job Listing

Here’s how to vet your job listing to make sure it’s not discriminatory—and that it’s welcoming to a diverse pool of applicants.

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The One Thing Nonprofits Can Do to Improve Their Job Descriptions Today

When your nonprofit is hiring, it’s easy to get caught up in the minutiae of the position description. The responsibilities, the daily tasks, the desired skills and experience—you could spend hours outlining what the job entails and the kind of person you’re looking for. But there’s something even more important to focus on. Nonprofits attract…

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An Exhaustive List of Jargon, Cliches and Buzzwords to Avoid in Your Job Listings

Take a look at any employment site, and you’ll see job descriptions packed with jargon—words and phrases that are used so much, they’ve become meaningless. This lazy language makes job seekers’ eyes glaze over, but it can be tough for hiring managers and recruiters to stop using it. It’s a shorthand that’s hard to abandon,…

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Optimize Your Job Listing Keywords

Use This Tool to Optimize Your Job Listing Keywords and Attract More Applicants

You spent hours perfecting the language in your latest job listing; it’s a work of art! So why isn’t it bringing in any good applications? It could be missing vital keywords that job seekers are searching for. “Search” is an integral component of today’s job hunt, and we often forget about it. It’s never been…

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Job titles are important.

Why a Job Title Is the Single Most Important Element of Your Job Listing

Here are six things you can do today to put your job title to work for you.

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Mobile-Friendly Job Description

Stop Losing Qualified Applicants! Make Your Job Listing Mobile-Friendly

Your job listings must be optimized for the best possible mobile experience. Otherwise, you’re leaving lots of fantastic candidates on the table.

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Attract Better Candidates By Making the Job Listing All About Them

Get Better Candidates With This One Easy Job Listing Trick

Take a good hard look at your open listings. Do they paint an enticing picture that will captivate applicants? Or do they read more like a ransom note with a long list of demands and desired qualifications? If you’re veering into ransom note territory, don’t worry. Simply use this trick: Make it all about them.

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Job Listings' Company Descriptions

The One Thing Your Job Listing Is Probably Getting Wrong

It’s not enough for your company description to say what you do. You have to take it a step further and say why it’s amazing and why a candidate would be lucky to work there.

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Job Listing Call to Action

Employers: Get More Job Candidates with One Simple Phrase

If you’re looking to recruit and hire new talent, you want to do everything you can to persuade job seekers to apply to your job listing. You probably already know to use the right words to make your opening as attractive as possible. But did you know you could miss out on candidates simply because…

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Job applicants waiting to be interviewed

Stop Losing Applicants by Avoiding These Job Listing ‘Danger Words’

When you’re vetting resumes from job applicants, even the smallest detail can turn you off. A misspelled word, a font that’s too small, even a lackluster description of a prior role—these little things make a big difference to a hiring manager. We’ve all seen it a hundred times: a decent candidate who loses the gig…

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Infographic: Elements of a Successful Job Listing

You’re probably far too familiar with the downfalls of a quickly whipped-up job listing: Vague information leads to a large number of applicants—of which only a few are actually qualified—leaving you with the task of sorting out the few decent candidates. Truth is, if you take the time to develop a well-formed job listing, you’ll…

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