Professional Experience
I’m a well-published writing guru. I’ve worked previously as a reporter for numerous local newspapers and worked in the publicity department at Rizzoli, a major book publisher located in New York City. I currently hold a position in Business Development/Marketing/PR for an electrical contracting company. I’ve written everything from human interest feature stories, press releases, yearly and weekly marketing plans, local news stories, and more. I also have experience editing book manuscripts, creating media lists, locating and logging book reviews, creating company newsletters, company portfolios, and maintaining a company blog. I love all things relating to books and literature and am very passionate about the usage of proper grammar.
2 Years
1 Year
2 Years
Books & Literature
Entry Level
Business (general)
2 Years
Other, Specify
2 Years
Book Publishing Consumer
Entry Level
Newspaper - Local/Regional
2 Years
PR (in-house) - Small to mid-sized corp. clients
2 Years